(If you will attend your OU in presence you can scan this page, but we will go through these steps in detail together during the OU. You also can just skip to the next "important" chapter Zoom.

STiNE is short for Studieninfonetz (German for student information web).

You probably have already seen STiNE when you applied for the Universität Hamburg. You used a temporary attendee's account there, in this section we will activate your actual account that you will need for the following things:

  • Registering and unsubscribing from courses / modules
  • Registering and unsubscribing from exams
  • Receiving notifications from your lecturers
  • Accessing important course material
  • Accessing your automatically created class schedule
  • Accessing exam results
  • Viewing your study results

So basically, STiNE is your personal interface to the University. Almost all services we are going to introduce in this guide are directly or indirectly linked to your STiNE account.


Once your account is activated you can login to STiNE ( The most important tab is "Studying" where you can e.g. register for modules. However, we will show you which modules you have to sign up for and how to do so in the Orientation Unit. You can take a look around, but don't do anything that you're not absolutely sure about. For now, only click on the tab "Account" and ensure (via the "Change" button if necessary) that "Forward messages to uni-mail-account?" is checked: Lecturers often send very important messages via STiNE, often minutes before the start of the lecture, you don't want to miss that by not getting notified. Of course, it's also crucial to setup automatic notifications for your University E-Mail.